Baby Names Inspired By Summer articles

Blog > Articles on Baby Names Inspired By Summer
by Casey AndersonPosted on: July 2nd, 2017
Some of us read a lot all year round, but a lot of us get especially excited about summer reading. We pick our beach and vacation reads way ahead of time, excitedly reading through lists and reviews to find the perfect book. We want something relaxing, engaging and a little suspenseful. Or maybe you want something sweet and romantic? Either way, picking out your summer books are fun, and a lot less stressful than picking out your baby’s name. But that’s fun too! It’s exciting to think about the child and then adult your baby will grow up to be and what the perfect name for them will be.
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by Casey AndersonPosted on: June 17th, 2017
I don't know about you, but we love summer. Personally, I was born in June, at the cusp between spring and summer, and I love them both! Whether your baby is due in the summer months doesn't matter, you still might want to name them after something that brings to mind this time of year! Well, we're with you! We like the idea of the freedom and warmth of summer being present in someone's name. We've been asking around and thinking of all the best names that scream "summer" to us so we could make you this list. Let's start with the obvious:
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